“The child is the father of the man”

  • Walt Whitman

Our Mission: To promote and implement the teaching of all aspects of parenting as an essential element of the American educational system from first through twelfth grades.

Parenting Class can intervene in the social development process in a way that can introduce, at an early stage of children’s development, healthy psychological concepts of parenting along with practical knowledge of how to take physical care of children and manage their upbringing in a modern society.


Parenting Class

Educational and child psychology experts, will design a curriculum by grade — always keeping in mind, that the material be age-appropriate. Grades 1-3 might address the normal roles of children, parents and healthy relationships. Grades 4-5 might include exercises with scripts in which children play different familial roles. Grades 5-6 would have teaching appropriate for that age group and so on.


“People generally raise their children as they have been raised, unless they are motivated to work to change and are shown methods by which to accomplish this.”

— Founder, Jane King

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